Excavation and disposal of 10,000 Tons of RCRA-hazardous and
nonhazardous WWTP sludge, Plain city, OH
Lime-sludge disposal pits,dating back to the 1950's were leaching Chromium and Cadmium, and
required removal under RCRA corrective Action:

  • The pits had been cultivated or overgrown with scrub vegetation; no location records remained..
  • Environmental surveys suggested that there were three shallow pits and a surface pile totaling 6000 tons of
    sludge; the pile and two pits were nonhazardous, two pits were RCRA-hazardous by TCLP.
  • A work plan and SWPPP were developed for review and approval by OEPA.
  • The SWPPP included provisions to protect a tributary of Big Darby Creek, a National Scenic River, adjacent to
    the work site.
  • In order to maximize competition, three scopes of work were developed for competitive bids:

       Haul road construction, erosion control and the excavation/transport/disposal of nonhazardous sludge.
       Excavation and transportation of the hazardous sludge.
       Treatment and disposal of the hazardous sludge.
  • Estimated costs at the bid pricing resulted in a 25% cost savings against the engineer's estimate and authorized budget.
  • Two additional pits were identified during construction of the haul roads. After TCLP testing, the additional
    material was incorporated into the scope at favorable unit pricing.
  • Post-excavation samples were collected, analyzed and reported to OEPA with a statistical analysis to support
        the request for final RCRA Closure.