Sc.M. 1980, Environmental Health Engineering, Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and
Public Health, Baltimore, MD.
A.B. 1977, Geography and Environmental Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.

Summary of Professional Experience:

Principal, ATS2 LLC, 2006 to present
Vice President, Construction Division, Plexus Scientific Corporation 1999-2005
Program Manager, Corps of Engineers Environmental Restoration Contracts, Radian
International LLC 1995-1999
Director, Corporate QA/QC, Dow Environmental (Radian), 1992-1995.
Environmental Superintendent, AlliedSignal Baltimore Works, 1981-1992.
Public Health Engineer, Maryland Department of the Environment, 1980-1981.

I have over 30 years of experience in environmental control programs successfully designing,
planning, and managing site environmental remediation programs as well as presenting and
explaining these programs to clients and stakeholders. My principal skill is evaluating and
environmental decontamination and restoration projects related to hazardous, toxic, and
radioactive waste management situations and bringing them to closure. The success of my
projects is grounded in exceptional client service and appropriate application of technology.

Specific project experience related to site assessment, regulatory negotiation, soil and
groundwater remediation, and facility D&D, to support real property transfer:

•        Contract Project Manager for a FTSE-100 International manufacturing client firm
headquartered in London. Managed multi-million dollar D&D and environmental remediation
projects in Germany, Japan, France, and Sweden as well as seven in the US. Resolved
permitting, technical, and contractual challenges, working with local attorneys and engineers to
complete the projects safely, on time, within budget and satisfactorily to local stakeholders.

•        Independent Project Manager for Fortune 50 Aerospace contractor. Managed groundwater
environmental cleanup and regulatory closure projects in IA, NJ, NY, and CT at sites formerly
owned by the firm.
Three of the four are firmly on track for No Further action Closures in

•        Project Manager for demolition of former industrial battery manufacturing plant in Hagen,
Germany. Responsible for scoping, contract development, permit acquisition, competitive bidding,
final contract negotiation and construction oversight. The project includes the decontamination,
demolition and removal of 17 pre-WWII large masonry manufacturing buildings and a 300 foot
boiler stack that manufactured lead-acid batteries for submarines. Bid documents were
developed to address the requirements of German demolition (DIN 18459) and hazardous
material and asbestos regulations (TRGS 519 and BGR 128, respectively), and as well as the
safety, liability and environmental control expectations of a large multinational corporation.
$3.4M final contract price after bidding and negotiation compares favorably with the
$4.3M estimate in the corporate reserve.

•        Construction manager for $3M environmental remediation of Milford, CT property after
transfer of ownership by client. Chlorinated solvents in soil and groundwater under building slab
were addressed by soil-vapor extraction and KMnO4 injection (respectively) on an
schedule to allow return of property to landlord.

•        Project Manager for soil removal project in Hohr-Grenzhausen, Germany. Soil and fire-
related debris contaminated with PCBs and PAH were removed from a small property completely
surrounded by occupied residences, under difficult geotechnical conditions.
reuse of the property has been approved.

•        Project Manager for evaluation, decontamination, and demolition of a 12 acre auto parts
manufacturing plant in Knoxville, TN. Responsible as owner’s representative for schedule,
scoping, cost controls and overall project management to demolish all buildings to grade.
Scoped, bid and managed four preparatory decontamination  contracts before main demolition,
clearing property of PCBs, hazardous and radioactive materials, asbestos, and CFCs. Properly
disposed of sensitive plant records; sold marketable equipment and valuable scrap materials and
developed final conditions specification with owner, realtor, and State DEC for use in marketing
property. Obtained all required demo and waste disposal permits. Completed a half million square
foot demolition on schedule; after plant decontamination, all demolition debris was disposed as
nonhazardous waste. Total project cost savings exceeded $3M against the $7.7M corporate
The property was sold for over $4M, and redeveloped by a national retailer.

•        Project Manager for the soil and groundwater remediation of mixed solvent release at a
former golf ball plant in northeast Georgia. An existing SVE and groundwater pump and treat
system failed to achieve criteria after 10 years of O&M. The SVE system was redesigned, air
sparging was added, and an ISCO injection of enhanced peroxide was conducted, reducing
solvent concentrations by three orders of magnitude, and
moving the site toward a 2014
GAEPD no further action letter.

•        Project manager for plant cleanup and removal of tenant improvements at 168,000 SF
leased mechanical controls manufacturing plant in Los Angeles, CA. Manufacturing operations
were transferred to Mexico; customer requirements dictated the plant stay in operation until 14
days prior to lease termination. Integrated the removal of plant utilities and cleaning of concrete
floor to avoid interference with manufacturing. Over 60 tons of natural gas and compressed air
lines and electrical conduits were removed in eight weeks. Managed cleanup and closure of
waste water treatment plant, soil remediation system and plant oil dock to allow release back to
landlord in accordance with lease surrender terms, LAFD and RWQB requirements.
On time
completion avoided a $250,000 holdover rent penalty.

•        Project Manager for a soil and groundwater remediation project at a former industrial
controls manufacturing plant in Ohio. Scoped, contracted, and supervised execution of
excavation and disposal of over 7000 tons wastewater treatment plant (Cr and Cd) sludge,
saving over 15% against reserved funds. Managed groundwater investigation and remedial
action project to address VOC contamination of drinking water aquifer.

•        Project manager for demolition of a metal fabrication plant in Milwaukee, WI to facilitate
environmental cleanup of soil and groundwater. Expedited the demolition process to reduce 2008
property taxes. Obtained variance from City Ordinance that requires removal of slabs and
pavement during demolition, to prevent spread of contaminants.
Project was completed at 30%
below corporate reserve amount.

•        Construction manager for the rehabilitation of 100,000 SF Long Island, NY warehouse,
including HVAC system repair, roof replacement, fire code compliance, and replacement of
electric service (after theft of copper feeders and switchgear).
Property was listed and sold
within 30 days of project completion.

Plexus Scientific:

•        Program Manager, Cost-Reimbursable Environmental Remediation contracts, US Army
Corps of Engineers.
Successfully competed for and executed over $20 Million in PRAC-
type contracts for the Baltimore District. Managed successful $180 M ACSIM PBA
proposal (SB).
Responsible for operations, quality, safety and profitability for all remedial
construction projects. Program Manager for USACE $10 million Pre-placed Remedial Action
Contract (PRAC). Grew the program by hiring an outstanding staff, developing a unique project
management process, and maintaining excellence as the performance standard for safety, cost
control, and quality work. Won competitive contracts including $12 million USACE Design-Build
Environmental Restoration Contract (DBER). Also served as Program/Project manager for
multimillion-dollar fixed-price decontamination/demolition projects at the Volunteer, Joliet, Badger,
and Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plants. Built a $7 million/year business area supporting Army
remediation. Developed the divisional ISO 9001-certified quality management program.

•        Project Manager, Military Ocean Terminal Bayonne (Bayonne, NJ) Decontamination and
Demolition. $3 Million demolition project to facilitate the first Army “Early Transfer” under the
BRAC program. Over $150,000 was returned to the client from recycling wood timbers. The
project also included contract add-ons for expedited asbestos and hazardous material removal in
warehouse buildings and D&D of a 750,000-gallon fuel oil tank farm to allow the property to be
used as a movie set (“A Beautiful Mind”).
The site is now in development as The Peninsula
at Bayonne Harbor.

•        Project Manager, Fort Monmouth (NJ) (Mercury-contaminated) Sanitary Sewer Removal,
$2.22 Million Corps of Engineers Task Order received highest performance rating from
contracting officer for excellent technical performance on time, under budget, without accident or
The property was successfully transferred to Freehold Township under the BRAC

•        Project Manager, Joliet Army Ammunition Plant (AAP) (Joliet, IL) decontamination and
demolition of TNT manufacturing complex, over $10 Million in fixed price orders for US Army on
time, with zero injuries/incidents; over three years. Obtained open burn permit from State and
EPA, conducted D&D operations, and
successfully released property for transfer by the
Army to development as CenterPoint Intermodal Center, Will County industrial park,
Abraham Lincoln National cemetery, and Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie.

•        Project Manager, Volunteer AAP (Chattanooga, TN) Red Water Treatment and Acid Fume
Recovery Plants explosive hazard assessment/decontamination demolition;
project value was
over $2 Million, all work was completed on schedule, without change order.
open burn approvals from county, State, and EPA, conducted D&D of waste treatment and fume
recovery plants, including eight TNT incinerators. Managed inspection, decontamination, and
release of over 100 support buildings on land transferred for use as a county park.

•        Project Manager, Picatinny Arsenal (NJ) Design-Build of an RDX (military explosive) pilot
plant.  A $2.5 Million project to
decontaminate and rehab a TNT press building for use as the
project site, and the design-build of an RDX recrystallization process plant (based on an Army

•        Project Manager, Twin Cities AAP (Arden Hills, MN) Three projects totaling over $2 Million,
expedited D&D of an ammunition manufacturing building for transfer to
Ramsay County,
inspection and certification of over 100 manufacturing buildings for unlimited
release, and decontamination of 18 contaminated buildings, using innovative methods including
walnut shell blasting and indirect heating.

•        Project Manager, Badger AAP (Baraboo, WI) Work planning task included acquisition of
open burn permit, including design of air sampling network, preparation of EPA TSCA (PCB)
disposal exception petition and human/ecological risk assessment. $750K Facility risk evaluation
included inspection of over 700 process buildings for explosive contamination and hazard
The first D&D task was $1.4 Million for cleanup of a nitrocellulose nitration

Radian International LLC/Dow Environmental:

•        Project Manager, Linde Building 30 Decontamination and Demolition:
$5.5 Million Corps
of Engineers delivery order under the FUSRAP Program to provide for removal of
radioactive and mixed wastes
stored in a 75,000 square foot wood building used during the
Manhattan Project for uranium separation, followed by building demolition and disposal.
Coordinated a complex waste characterization and management strategy to minimize disposal
costs for radioactive, mixed, asbestos, and construction debris waste streams.

•        Project Manager, Dow Chemical Allyn's Point Plant RCRA Corrective Action:  Prepared the
memorandum of understanding between Dow Chemical and EPA Region I to allow for the first
Voluntary Corrective Action (VCA) under RCRA.  The VCA approach completed the RFI/CMS
process for 22 Solid Waste Management Units in less than 18 months under minimal EPA
oversight. Represented Dow in the remedy selection and public participation process, resulting in
approval of a cost effective set of remedial decisions, including no further action at 18
of 22 SWMUs.
 The remedial construction program was completed less than 36months after the
initial memorandum was signed; this is less than half of the average time for the typical RCRA
project, and provided investigation phase cost savings to Dow and EPA of over $1 Million. The
primary remedial action is a chemical landfill restoration, designed as an alternative to the typical
slurry wall/cap/pump & treat remedy, allowing for the continued used of the site for process
saving over $5 Million over EPA's initial "presumptive remedy".

•        Project Manager, Frankford Arsenal Building Demolition/Debris Disposal: Managed all
phases of the demolition of a water tower, eight buildings and munitions bunkers in Philadelphia,
PA, including asbestos and PCB removal. Designed waste separation and recycling and disposal
final project cost was 30% less than original delivery order estimate. Project
was evaluated "Overall Outstanding" by USACE.

•        Project Manager, Tacony Warehouse Groundwater Remediation: Reconceived project to
provide a value-engineered approach the remediation of a PCE/TCE plume beneath a former
Sherman Tank manufacturing plant in Philadelphia, PA. The Independent Government Estimate
for the work was over $3 Million;
the revised approach will provide for cleanup of the
plume in compliance with the Record of Decision for less than $600,000.
A US patent
application is pending for an innovative approach to groundwater treatment developed at this site.

•        Program Manager, General Motors National Phase 1/Phase 2 Environmental Site
Assessment Contract: General Motors real estate subsidiary (Argonaut Realty) selected Radian
International LLC to prepare environmental property assessments at
over 50 of their facilities
in North America
. Responsible for the management, administration, and overall quality of the
work products for the contract. Performed and evaluated the ASTM Phase 1 assessments,
scoped and executed Phase 2 investigations and oversaw remedial action when it was necessary
to address environmental conditions in order to make the property suitable for transfer.

•        Project Manager, Radian International LLC Concrete Decontamina¬tion System
Development Study for the Department of Energy’s Morgantown Energy Technology Center: The
PRDA-funded project included construction and field testing of a patentable process for use in
decontamination and decommissioning of concrete surfaces (with wash water recycling) at DOE
Weapons Complex Facilities.

•        Project Manager, Spring Valley (Operation Safe Removal) Chemical Warfare Materials
Waste Disposal Project for USACE Baltimore District: The project scope was the removal of any
unexploded ordnance, chemical warfare material or hazardous waste associated with the World
War I era Camp American University FUDS site in Northwest Washington, DC. Participated in the
EE/CA development process, providing advice to USACE concerning waste characterization and
disposal. Negotiated a favorable wastewater disposal agreement with the local POTW resulting in
a cost savings of over $70,000 for the project. Provided oversight and guidance for the
testing, packaging and disposal of all waste materials generated during the four month removal

•        Principal Regulatory Analyst, DOE EM-20 Well Study: Prepared the Department of Energy
Facility Visit Guidance Document and Final Report of the Office of Environmental Restoration
(EM 20) Well Installation and Abandonment Study. This study was directed at achieving
significant improvements in the anticipated $1.2 Billion DOE Complex well drilling program, as part
of the Assistant Secretaries’ Cost Reduction Initiative. The Study identified a series of specific
regulatory strategies and changes in restoration project approach that have already significantly
reduced DOE costs associated with monitoring and extraction wells.

•        Manager of a variety of real property environmental evaluations, including an automotive
parts manufacturing facility, an auto parts and supplies warehouse located on an Exxon former
refinery and terminal currently under remediation, and a commercial property where fuel oil was
accidentally delivered to a monitoring well. At the latter site, the spill has been cleaned up to
comply with state standards.
Served as an expert witness in ongoing litigation concerning
the remaining “environmental stigma” and its effect on the value of the property.

•        Project Manager, Brownfields Program property study, Baltimore Maryland: Evaluated a site
with groundwater solvent contamination that had been slated for a pump and treat remedy and
prepared a submission under the new State Voluntary Cleanup Guidelines that resulted in the
issuance of
a No Further Action determination without conducting the remedy. The NFA
letter was the second issued by MD Department of the Environment.

•        Technical review of a $600,000 site characterization study of a manufacturing facility
located inside a CERCLA site. Following the completion of the study, the site was purchased by
the client. As part of the effort to minimize the purchasers liability for past releases, prepared an
Oil and Chemical Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan and a Stormwater Pollution
Prevention Plan to assist the facility in complying with the new EPA Stormwater regulations.

AlliedSignal Environmental Manager (RCRA Site Closure):

•        Provided technical counsel in negotiation of a State Administra¬tive Consent Order
governing the initial site assessment, and a subsequent three way Judicial Consent Degree with
EPA and the State governing a $97 Million RCRA Corrective Action Program. My responsibilities
included specification, supervision, and technical review of site study documents including RI/FS,
Risk Assessment, Offshore and Bedrock Contamination Surveys, Supplemental RFI/CMS,
Environmental Media Monitoring Program, and Groundwater Classifica¬tion Study. These
studies, prepared over the past six years, cost over $2 Million. Wrote the Dismantlement Plan
which was incorporated into the U.S District Court Consent Decree, governing decontamination
and dismantlement of all buildings on the 18 acre plant site, and
negotiated issuance of the
nations first Site-Specific Variance to the RCRA Land Disposal Restrictions issued by
to allow for landfill disposal of the demolition debris. This variance required submission of a
detailed work plan for each building and results of characterization testing and pilot
decontamination data for each type of debris generated.

•        Oversaw the
$25M decontamination and demolition of the chromium chemicals
manufacturing plant and disposition of over 30,000 tons of hazardous and non
hazardous debris
, including the testing, tracking, disposition and shipping of all waste streams.

Acquired permits from the Corps of Engineers, Maryland Departments of Natural
Resources and Transportation, and City of Baltimore to construct a 2,000 foot, 280,000
ton stone embankment around the site
, in order to provide a clean substrate for installation
of an 80-foot deep soil-bentonite containment wall. This task included provision of environmental,
health, and safety oversight during specification, bidding and construction of this $17 million
project, to ensure that the construction techniques and materials, and the project documentation
met the standards established in the construction Quality Assurance Plan. The project was
completed on time and on budget.
Consultant/Owners Representative
Environmental Remediation, Decontamination-Demolition, and Brownfields
Project Management