The term “brownfields” has come to mean anything from a closed auto
parts factory to an abandoned dry-cleaning plant. At ATS2, we believe
these properties offer opportunities – sites for creative new use and
redevelopment are increasingly scarce resources today. ATS2 has the
focused leadership and expertise to turn these opportunities into
valuable realities for you.
• Do you have property with an environmental history that is
interfering with selling or redevelopment at its highest and best
ATS2 can give you a fresh look at “the stigma”, with a focus on what
can be done to achieve full value, rather than what cannot. (ATS2 turned
a $750,000 annual carrying cost into a $7M sale).
• Do you want to develop a property, but can’t get a straight
answer from your consultants about what it will cost to tear down
the buildings or clean up the land?
ATS2 has the contracting experience in decontamination/demolition
and remediation to give you accurate estimates, not consultant’s
“ranges”. (ATS2 advice to a local commercial developer lead to three
profitable property development decisions in Maryland).
• Do you have property caught in the regulatory switches
with environmental agencies that always seem to have another
question, and never have a final answer?
ATS2 has been successful in gaining agency acceptance for creative
solutions and bringing projects to financially reasonable closure in
some of the most complex contamination problems in the country.
(ATS2 has completed projects with No Further Action Required at sites
contaminated with explosives, solvents, and hexavalent chrome).
ATS2 LLC "Making Brownfields Work!"