Sometimes real property goes from being a capital asset to
an operating expense. Plant closures, changes is business
direction, or mergers and acquisitions can cause a
productive manufacturing plant to become a cost “sink” that
drains resources for maintenance, utility and security. Often
saddled with an enormous “reserve” for land clearance and
environmental remediation costs, these properties sit in
corporate closets without any real chance to get off the
ATS2 will help you move this property off the inventory so
your resources and management attention are directed at
tomorrow not yesterday. Our expertise is focused on the
timely, cost-efficient management of decontamination and
demolition of plant and equipment to bring property to its
best market value. Years of experience in the cleanup and
demolition of buildings across the country have given us
valuable insight into what these projects must cost, as
opposed to what they might cost. We know how to build
and meet project schedules and budgets because that is all
that we do.
Former Auto Parts Plant in Knoxville, Tennessee
• Scoped, bid and managed four preparatory decontamination contracts before main demolition contract
• Properly disposed of sensitive plant records
• Sold marketable equipment and valuable scrap materials
• Cleared property of PCBs, Hazmats, asbestos, CFCs
• Developed final conditions specification with owner, realtor, and State DEC for use in marketing property
• Obtained all required demo and waste disposal permits
• Bid, contracted, and managed 500,000 square foot demolition; all debris was disposed as nonhazardous waste
• Project was completed for $3M less than $7M reserve
• Property was prepared and available for sale in less than 12 months
Former Chrome Chemical Plant in Baltimore, Maryland

• Obtained first RCRA Land Ban variance in the country to allow for economical disposal of demo debris
• Obtained permits and supervised design, dredging and construction of 250,000 ton embankment for ground
water containment slurry wall
• Supervised $24M decon/demo of the 18 acre chrome chemical plant in Baltimore Inner Harbor
• “Harbor Point”, a $1Billion mixed use development project by Beatty Development is underway at the site
Manufacturing Plant in Los Angeles, California

- Managed the move-out cleanup of a leased metal working and machine shop.
- Customer requirements dictated the plant stay in operation until 14 days prior to lease termination.
- Integrated the removal of plant utilities and cleaning of concrete floor to avoid interference with manufacturing.
- Over 60 tons of natural gas and compressed air lines and electric conduits were removed in eight weeks.
- Held a vendor competition to select technique (40,000psi water blasting) to clean 50 years of oil and metal shavings
off 4 acres of concrete floor.
- Managed cleanup and closure of waste water treatment plant, soil remediation system and plant oil dock to allow
release back to landlord in accordance with lease surrender terms, LAFD and RWQB requirements.
- On time completion avoided $250,000 holdover rent penalty.